A Few Minor Details

The day after my victory was complete, I was sleeping more soundly then I had in years, when I was nudged awake by my husband.

“Pardon me, my dear,” Prince Walter said. “But there is business you need to attend to.”

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. “What? I’ve conquered the kingdom, what else is there to do?”

“Well…as you recall, you killed my parents after we got married.”

“Ah yes,” I said. “Steps one and two.”

“My parents basically ran the kingdom.”

“I assume so.”

Harold brought out a scroll and unrolled it. “Now that we - umm, YOU — are running things, there are just a few tasks to be done.”

The scroll unwrapped and slapped to the ground.


“Didn’t they … delegate?”

“They were very hands-on.”

I rubbed my tired eyes. “I need coffee,” I groaned.

Step 3: Live with the consequences of my actions.

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