Milk Run Mayhem pt. 2

****The Aftermath****

Dominic Corinthose jolted awake, the harsh hospital lights a brutal assault on his eyes. His head throbbed in sync with the steady beep of a machine beside his bed, a jarring reminder of his precarious state. He lay swathed in a scratchy, unfamiliar white gown, his vision slowly clearing to reveal two figures silhouetted against the window.

He recognized Marcus's sharp jawline instantly – his second-in-command, the embodiment of the Corinthose empire. Beside him stood Silas, a towering figure with a granite face and eyes that held a silent promise of violence, one of Dominic's personal bodyguards. A silent, shadowy entourage lurked outside the room, a stark reminder of the dangerous world Dominic navigated – a realm of power, wealth, and constant threat.

"Dominic," Marcus's voice sliced through the sterile silence, sharp and laced with disapproval. He stepped closer, a man of steel and unwavering loyalty, yet one who never hesitated to reprimand Dominic when he deemed it necessary. "What in God's name were you thinking, going out alone?"

Dominic glared at him, momentarily forgetting the pain. "Remember who you're speaking to, Marcus."

Marcus's jaw tightened. "And you, remember your responsibility to the business. You nearly got yourself killed."

Dominic's hand shot up, silencing Marcus before a familiar lecture about his disregard for safety could begin. His mind was fixed on a single, burning question. "Where is she?" he rasped, a whisper in the quiet room.

His gaze swept across the room, searching for the woman who had saved him – the tall, imposing figure with mahogany skin and sharp hazel eyes. Despite their brief encounter amidst chaos, she held a strange pull on him.

Marcus, still slightly turned away, delivered the news in a cold, emotionless tone. "She left the moment we arrived. Refused to give her name or any contact details."

"Did you not try to stop her?" Dominic pressed.

"We tried to get her to stay until you woke, but she was insistent on leaving. She declined our thanks, refused any compensation, and simply… vanished," Marcus finished, a subtle unease coloring his voice.

Frustration flooded Dominic. He had a million questions: Who was she? What motivated her? Why had she risked her life for a stranger? Her sharp gaze and unwavering demeanor were etched in his mind, unnervingly affecting him.

He felt a surge of irritation. This woman, a whirlwind of action and mystery, had saved his life, yet he knew nothing about her. He needed to find her, to thank her, to understand her actions.

"Find her," he commanded, his voice regaining strength. "I need to know who she is."

Marcus nodded, a flicker of concern in his eyes. "We'll do our best, sir. But be warned, she seemed determined to remain anonymous."

"I don't care. I owe that woman my life, and I intend to express my gratitude."

The days that followed were a blur of medical checkups, hushed conversations, and the constant presence of Silas, who seemed to have become his shadow. Dominic, despite the discomfort of his injuries, felt a growing restlessness. The woman's face haunted his thoughts, a constant reminder of the fragility of his existence and the unknown force that had intervened on his behalf.

He pressed Marcus for details, his questions relentless. Marcus, ever the loyal soldier, relayed whatever information their network had managed to gather, but it was scant. No trace of the woman, no record of anyone matching her description. It was as if she had simply materialized out of thin air to save him and then vanished without a trace.

"She's like a ghost, sir," Marcus admitted one afternoon, his usually stoic face etched with a rare puzzlement. "No digital footprint, no physical record. It's as if she doesn't want to be found."

"Then we'll make her," Dominic declared, a spark of determination igniting in his eyes. "We'll unearth every corner of this city until we find her."

Dominic knew he couldn't simply let the matter rest. The woman's enigmatic actions had burrowed deep into his consciousness. He needed to understand her motives, her connection to him, if any existed. He owed her, not only his life but also the satisfaction of knowing who she was and why she risked everything for him.

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