Write a story about a plane journey, set in times when flights had just become commercially available.
You could choose to create an atmosphere of excitement, fear and trepidation, or anything else you can imagine early passengers would feel!
Taking Flight
Phoebe fiddled with the hem of her blue uniform shirt as she boarded the first commercial Boeing 747 in U.S. history.
She was one of 20 women to become one of first airline attendants in the country and she was enthralled with such an accomplishment.
If he were still alive, her big brother Beaux never would’ve imagined that she would be serving drinks in the sky.
She and 3 other flight attendants were onboard preparing for the incoming passengers when they got the signal to take their positions and greet the boarding passengers.
As Phoebe smiled at the people filing into the plane, she noticed a wide range of emotions plaguing their features. Some looked excited, others seemed nervous and many were curious.
Phoebe felt all of those emotions too. But she knew that she was meant for this. After everyone was on the plane and the door was closed, she went through the safety procedures and before she knew it, she was strapped in her seat and ready for takeoff.
As the nose of the plane lifted into the sky and the sounds of the engine roared Phoebe gripped the arm rests. She went through many trainings and simulations but this was the real thing and she couldn’t help but feel wary about the takeoff.
Once they were in the air at a safe altitude, she and the other attendants prepared snacks and drinks to distribute to the customers.
She smiled at those who looked nervous and soothed them with crackers and water. This seemed to calm the people’s nerves and even her own.
The pilot announced that they would be landing in Michigan in 15 minutes, so after collecting all of the trash from the passengers, Phoebe buckled herself back in her seat and prepared for landing.
Her heart beat wildly as she realized that her first flight was going to be successful. As the plane began to descend, the sound of metal clanging and rattling grabbed her attention.
She looked at Heather, who sat across from her, with a questioning look. This wasn’t normal. After a few seconds, the pilot announced that they would be making an emergency landing and that everyone should stay buckled and still.
Phoebe’s heart began to pound and she almost panicked, but she remembered to stay calm for her mental well-being and of the passengers.
She closed her eyes and leaned her head back in her seat. She wasn’t the religious type but she found herself praying to God.
A few minutes later the bump of the wheels hitting the tarmac shook the plane causing Pheobe to lurch forward against her seatbelt. Seconds later, the aircraft slowed down and Pheobe was able able to catch her breath again.
“Welcome to Michigan” the pilot announced as cheers rang through the aircraft. Pheobe made history and she thrilled that she was alive to tell the story. Beaux would be proud.