“We have to give it back.”

Write a story beginning with this sentence.

Shall We

” we have to give it back ”

” but why !” I replied

A tear fell as I tried to look away.

Away from the very thing that could change my life.

If luck comes your way would it not be foolish to not grab it with both hands, I thought.

” Taylor you in dream land again, those shops in your head are the only ones that you will be seeing ”

I looked at my wise bestie as she now beckoned me up the stairs of the police station.

She then became my voice as she explained in full detail about my find and that to hand it in was the Christian thing to do .

The police officers eyes expanded as he counted the large bag of money

I gave my details and left him to admire the treasure that would never be mine.

But I knew my friend was right when she had told me to give up temptation is much greater than the find.

As the weeks passed I had forgotten about the bag of money that was until I received a call to return to the station.

I had nothing else to do so I obliged and hoped that whatever lecture I was about to be given would be a short one for I had calls to make to all those constant chasing bills.

I so hoped they would all just give me more time to try to sort myself out.

” Taylor we have traced the owner of all the cash and they have made it quite clear that it is to be finders keepers because the cash had been deliberately planted ”

A large smile now replaced the sad one.

The police then gave me the number of the one who had gifted me.

After spending the rest of the day paying all of my debts I decided to call the one that had changed my life.

I needed to thank them it was the least I could do.

The call was short due to arranging to meet in a restaurant that was more up market than the McDonald's one that I had been accustomed to.

No more big macs and skinny fries for me I thought as I walked into the restaurant from another world.

The gifter was the completion of my dream for it was love at first sight.

He had also felt the same way so after his long story of being bored and rich and wanting to help another less fortunate than himself he too became memorized.

A loud silence suddenly enveloped us as we gazed into each others eyes.

” shall we ” he smiled as he placed his hand in mine .

” yes lets ” I purred

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