Submitted by Creative Writer

You wake up with all the memories of your own life, but no one knows who you are.

Write a story where you have to try and convince your friends and family of who you are.


“You really have no idea?”


Benjamin stared at her, shocked beyond belief.

“You’re telling me that the last five years just suddenly left your head?” He asked bitterly.

He felt his heart sink when she shook her head.

“Grace come on, we met in fifth grade, you had just moved and were terrified of meeting new people. We became friends soon after, we started dating our second year of high school, I proposed to you, we’re supposed to get married tomorrow! We even have matching tattoos!”

Benjamin showed his wrist to her. There, was a tiny infinity sign, he hoped she remembered at least that.

Instead, Grace looked back at him, fear in her eyes.

“You’re crazy! I don’t know who you are!” She yelled.

“Grace, I didn’t mean to scare you, but just listen to me-“

“No! Get away from me right now or I’ll call the police!” She threatened as she ran away.

“Grace, wait!”

Grace ran until she was out of his sight. Just to make sure she wasn’t crazy, she looked at her wrist.

She stared.

There on her wrist, was an infinity sign. Just like the one the man had shown her.

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