Darkness In The Sea

Darkness ripples in the sea

as it ripples in the sky;

It ricochets against the moon,

creating a sliver of light

The soft glow of the moon

So harsh in these troubled waters

Focuses in on the trekking stranger below

While they follow and saunter

A whimper. A cry.

The shadow shifts on by.

The boat: as it sinks

observes as the lurker blinks.

A ripple. A wave.

The moon casts the shade.

Venturing through the murky deep:

it watches as the sun now sleeps.

Darkness ripples in the sea

as it ripples in the sky

due to the sinister intruder

who doesn’t just merely pass on by.

Darkness ripples in the sea

as it ripples in the sky

while the naive, little boat

rests under the algae for the night.

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