Write a story where a character's pet ruins an event.

You can write in any genre, and your story doesn't necessarily have to be humorous!


Taking a stroll, Jamie Greenbell was walking his stalker through the forest. Stalkers are a large cat species and this particular kind are mostly found in the forests where they are more attuned to the forest spirit. Sadly, they were also endangered. Jamie was a ranger and with his trusty bow strapped on his back, he felt very safe to be in the company of this animal. He had charmed it. Being his first pet, he felt a strong symbiosis with it. The stalker would look a him for approval when it had brought him a particular putrid looking rat. He didn’t scold or praise him as to not cause a disruption to his natural behaviour as well not encourage more gifts.

They reached the village in the forest of which there was a gathering in the centre. A few cabins surrounded a fire pit formed within a circular placement of stone slabs. As he approached, he noticed there was a competition in progress. Jamie became excited and curious. Perhaps an archery contest or a challenge requiring a feat of strength. Sometimes there were competitions for pets to show off their strength, agility or cunning.

It turned out to be a blanket weaving competition. Elaborate, ornate, colourful and full of patterns. They looked like great additions to a home. His stalker seemed to approve because quite suddenly he was jumping and pouncing across the blankets. His claws gripping and tearing the once beautiful creations into a material mess. A few old women shouted at the cat and began waving sticks. An old woman who was competing fainted and Jamie felt things were going out of control. Especially when a few of the men drew their swords.

Jamie whistled his fingers and his stalker returned to him. Sad to have to leave the soft blankets behind.

“I think we better go.” Jamie said to his animal companion.

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