Submitted by Skye Wander
Start your story with the words, “I was gone for five minutes! What happened here?”.
Was It Really Just 5 Minutes?
I was gone for five minutes! What happened here?
You know what it feels like when someone punches you square in the heart? Shocked, lost, head swirling, mind swimming…’why did I deserve that?’ You ask yourself over and over. Trying to figure it out, recounting every conversation, recognizing you stuffed your intuition when it was screaming ‘something isn’t right!!!’
‘Would they purposefully try to screw me? Nah!’ But oh yeah they did. ‘Why?, why?, why?’ repeats as the ache wells from the belly, up the esophagus punching the heart again and again.
I say to myself ‘it’s just money’. Intuition says ‘no it’s not, it’s the lie’
I feel frustrated and anxious about what’s happening. I feel manipulated and bullied. I want to stop helping them and help myself instead.
Did it really happen in 5 minutes? No, I just kept trusting that it wasn’t really happening.