Art by Sans @

Write a Halloween-inspired story or poem which includes this character.
He Shines Like The Moon
The moon brightening streets, raindrops fell as kids ran from house to house, recovering candy. Tyler watched from the driveway as his excited little brother knocked on the neighbors door. Tyler felt his phone buzz. He grabbed it from his pocket, texting back his friend. Instead of hanging out with his friends, Tyler’s parents had made him take his brother trick-or-treating. He pocketed his phone, looking up to see that his brother was no longer there. Frantically, he looked around. He started towards the door when a car pulled up into the driveway. The neighbors had said that no one had been home, and the door was locked.
Tyler jogged up and down the street, shouting his little brothers name. It had been what felt like hours without site of him. Tyler held back calling his parents, for he did not want to get into trouble. He stopped on the sidewalk, out of breath, drops beating down on him.
All of a sudden, the drops above stopped, blocked by an umbrella. Tyler turned to the hand holding the umbrella. Green skin. He turned around to look at the person’s face. Tyler’s jaw dropped open. Wide white eyes, a mask covering his mouth, and no nose.
Tyler stumbled backwards, falling on the concrete. The man slowly reached his hand out, index finger pointed. A bright, blue butterfly, seemingly coming out of no where, landed on the man’s hand. A raspy voice came from the man. “Beauty can help you. Follow wisely.” The butterfly flew off the man’s finger, circling Tyler. Tyler turned to watch the butterfly. When he tried to meet eyes with the man again, he was no where to be seen. As Tyler stood up, the butterfly slowly flew away. He chased after it.
The chase ended when the butterfly vanished in thin air, disappearing in front of a ditch. Tyler peered down to see his brother laying there. He slid down, grabbing his brother by the shoulders. He slightly shook him until his eyes opened slowly, full of confusion. Tyler helped him up and lifted him from the ditch. His little brother explained how he slipped and must’ve rolled down.
As they walked down the road towards their house, Tyler spotted the bright butterfly in the sky, the moon shining on it’s beautifully patterned wings. He smiled as he mouthed the words ‘thank you’.. Putting their arms around each other, the brothers laughed and schemed a way to steal all the leftover candy at home.