Write a scene or story that takes place after a natural disaster.
You could focus on the direct effects, or the longer term aftermath.
Kathy’s a bitch!
Sighing, Amelia Young, a beautiful woman in her late twenties, placed her freshly baked cookies on the counter. “Bruce!” She called to her seven-year-old son, who came trampling down the stairs before she could even finish her shout.
“Are the cookies done?” He asked excitedly, a wide smile gracing his youthful face, eyes twinkling with curiosity towards the world.
“Yep.” She smiled back, turning away from her son to stare out the window in disdain. “Damn, Kathy’s a bitch.” She whispered, eyes trailing over the wrecked homes and flooded streets.
Hurricane Katherine had just hit the town of Stanmoore, Oregon, and boy, she sure did a number. The poor side of town had it bad, like, really bad. Power was out, half of their homes were destroyed or flooded, and there was definitely wild animals swimming through the streets at the moment.
Although, a month or so from now, Kathy would be forgotten and there would be a new storm-related problem filling Stanmoore, like always. They could never catch a break.
She turned back to her son, giggling at how he attempted to shove three chocolate chip cookies into his mouth at once. “Calm down, Brucie. Save some for your dad!”