Describe a busy marketplace using only description related to smell, touch, and sound.
Cacophony of voices. High. Low. The buisnessman’s quick pointed tone. A mother’s reassuring touch. Shuffling consistent with abrupt interruptions. A distracted straggler stops in his tracks confusing the flow. Every movement made seems only to impede another’s route and intention. Lack of movement also a disrupting force. One flow, inconsistent and cumbersome.
Turning the head to the left one might catch a whiff of fresh baked delights. Now only a few steps farther a door must’ve been propped open. Repulsive scents of weed and overused bathrooms drift undesired up the nostrils of the unexpecting wanderer.
Shouts, cries, laughter. A kaleidoscope of tone and volume echoing in low rumbles of constant conversation. No fear of an eve’s-dropping amongst high levels of commotion ever present.
Now sweet relief wafts through the air as one discovers beyond the bathrooms and cracked back doors, the traveler happened upon a section of homegoods; unlit candle scents blend plesantly, coloring the air. Nevermind the overwhelming sensations ever whiffing through the atmosphere. Overarching all is a sweetness. Nearness. Overwhelming to some, yet necessary to all. Connection.
In the midst of the chaos a moment of recognition. The intersection of lives. A hundred thousand stories, too deep to begin uncovering. One little discovery, one heart delighted by the fullness of sweet company, a mission accomplished, the satisfaction of completion even if only one of a million tasks for the day. No longer an introvert’s nightmare if only thought through the mind of a story-teller. Suddenly the explorer discovers deep mystery. No longer a bustling market, but a life-filled library. Walking, living breathing tales. Adventures of yesterday or yesteryear. Dramas, action, romances, bitter heart breaks, wonder-filled break throughs, all brushing past. Shoulders rubbing in the victorious seasons for some. Jostling and bumping against those still deep in process. Below the surface of chaos lies a deeps sea of uncharted beauty. If only one would be curious enough to take the dive.