A character has inherited a treasured possession from a close loved one.

Create a story around them trying to keep it safe, even if it's not an item they particularly like.

Grandmothers Locket

My grandma had just passed a few days ago.

She was my life- my everything. She took me to all my favourite places and never said no to sweets. She drove me to preschool and congratulated me on all my achievements through primary into secondary school. She was always there with a big smile and a hug and a glass of chocolate milk+ some sweets.

Yesterday was the day where we all got her parts of the will. My brothers got got money and old hand me downs. But I had something different.

Whilst yes, I did get cash. And quite a lot too. The main thing was this necklace, obviously quite old, with a heart on it. My mother noticed me looking at the necklace and said “that’s actually a locket, you can see the crack down the middle of it. It’s quite old so it’s barely visible, but it’s still there.”

I took her advice and stuck my fingernails into this supposed ‘crack’.

She was right. It opened.

In the inside I saw a picture of a woman on the left hand side, and a note shoved into the right hand side.

I took out the letter and unfolded it, here is what it said.

To my lover,

I wish we could be together, but we can’t.

Our families want the same thing-

Children. And more children to come.

A legacy, if you will.

I want more than nothing to be together,

But it seems as if that could never happen.

Even if society accepted us, there is no way our families would.

Goodbye, my love, my life.



I then realised, that through all the sweets and smiles, she secretly wanted another life. With a woman. And her family wouldn’t support that- nor would society- and she could never be with who she wanted before she left the earth.

I found another letter- that was taped onto the chain of the necklace. It read out:

Dear my granddaughter, Alice,

I feared that no one would understand the true significance of this locket- I feel truly that you are the only one that would accept me, or at the least, wouldn’t be confused about it. I felt that you could support me, if no one else could.

I love you- no matter what. Even though I had to be with you grandfather, for you. I do want to say- over time I did start to love your grandfather. Know that I love you, and wouldn’t keep a secret like this if it wasn’t for a good reason. I know that you are old enough to accept me for who I am.

I love you, you and your family are my prized possessions. I also wanted to add- if you are reading this- know that I am watching you from heaven, and will always be here in spirit when you need me. Metaphorically and literally.

See you on the other side,


Your grandmother.

I was set in tears- tears of sadness for her not being her true self and tears of love because I loved her, and she loved me.

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