“Your crown is made of the people’s bones and hunger.”
Use this dialogue to set the scene for a short story.
Too Big For Someone So Small > Part 1
The kingdom of Rondankla has been under the rule of his father for millennia, and now it’s Alexander’s turn.
He soaks up the pleasantries of being king, Ordering his servants to do unnecessary things like peeling his grapes and fanning him with leaves. Taking a sip of his wine, Alexander thinks about what he will do tomorrow. Maybe he will order a charcuterie board.
Alexander, unfortunately, is young and unaware of the dangers and stresses of leading. He doesn’t know how hard this will be, or the toll it will take on him. He is oblivious to the turmoil and torture his subjects have been enduring for millions of years.
Castle and family tradition has always been the same. Let the child grow up unknowing of how fortunate they are. Let them have a happy childhood filled with freeze tag and hide and seek. Then, on their eighteenth birthday, inform them of the war.
Alexander turns eighteen tomorrow.