Submitted by an anonymous Daily Prompt user.

"Your time is up. Better run!"

Write a story that contains this line of speech anywhere within.

Run for your life

Rachel and Bryan Stevenson, are stuck in the woods looking for a way to get back home until suddenly a serial killer Ryan Adams sneaks up behind them and they jump out of their skin and says get away from me” they are trying their hardest to run for their lives but their killer is still hot on their trail and will stop at nothing until he has finally got them to where he wants them.

I think that they should have rethought about going through the woods before because they wouldn’t have to worry about a life or death situation at this moment they should be in a fancy hotel spending quality time with each other.

They are still running from the crazy maniac who is trying to kill them and are trying to make sure that he is not following them but unfortunately they stop and they are trapped with their killer and he makes them suffer and keeps killing them slowly.

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