Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.




Au Revoir.



I guess the easiest way is to just say…


Does it matter if I say it in a different language? What if I say it with an accent? Would it change anything?

No, not really.

I don’t suppose any variation in the way I say it will do much at all.

That’s just how it is, I’ve deducted.

Well, I guess Spanish was a waste anyways. And all those funny accents I practiced as a younger teen - those were worthless too. My teacher always told me to study my vocabulary, that it would be useful one day. Well, Mrs. Sanchez, you were… as they say in English… WRONG.

My brother always laughed when I spoke in accents. He especially loved my Mickey Mouse impression. I hated doing it, but to see him smile was enough motivation.

. . .

So now, how do I say goodbye? I don’t suppose it matters, because I can’t really say anything at all. I can’t move my mouth. My legs. My anything. That’s the point I guess, that’s why I am leaving. I just wish I wasn’t. If only Spanish had helped me learn how to deflect a bullet. If only my stupid accents could transform me into a different person, so maybe I could, you know, live.

Oh well.

Hasta la vista, I guess.

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