What does the Grim Reaper do in their time off?
Sir Therapy Guy
Without all the pain and suffering, I’m just a chill guy. Sure, my job calls for some, well, immoral tasks, but underneath the robe I’m a misunderstood dude trying to serve his sentence. Honestly, the way “normal” mortals describe me is insulting. I’ve kept track of every single representation and name I’ve been given. Old Man Death? The Bone Man? Come one, give me something to work with. How about Jim? No, Jimmy. Yeah, Jimmy works. Jimmy the Chill Guy, I can dig it. But those depictions. Jeez, people act like I don’t have a face. I mean, no one has ever actually seen me, so can I really blame them? No. It’s still insulting though! I can’t go a day without some new catalog or something popping with some new representation of me. Then those who say I don’t exist! Look people, I just wanna sit on my beanbag, watch my Rom-Coms, and eat Cheese Balls. Is that too much to ask? I bet these people think I just go around, guiding people to the light. Well, I don’t! I have a life. Kinda. Sortal. Okay, so maybe not but I get holidays off. My buddy George does that. And, I get the first minute of a holiday all the way to the very last second. That stretches between time zones too. And George complains about having to do it about 50 days a year. I still do the majority! Those 50 days are the best though. I watch TV, go full bigback mode, and lie in my bed all day. That’s the life.
“Ah, Mr…”
“Grim Reaper, but my friends call me Jimmy.”
“Mr. Reaper, I feel this therapy session has gone very far.”
“As do I, Mr. Therapy Man.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Why not?”
“This is not in my job description…”
“Be a chill guy, Therapy Dude.”
“Please leave.”
“What about my payment? I still have to pay for this session.”
“Your payment is leaving. Now go.”
“Too-da-loo, Sir Therapy Guy!”
Who got the Gen Z/Alpha refrences?