'In your arms, I found my home.'
Use this line to close a romantic poem in any style.
Shaky Foundations
For my mom.
The most badass woman I know. You took the stars and put them within my reach.
You are my muse, my inspiration, my best friend.
*** standard unusual disclaimer that I write these while falling asleep so apologies if it falls apart ***
Bones trembling and skeleton cracked,
she stood there as she always had.
Her stature strong as hardened stone,
Yet underneath she bore no bone.
With nothing there to prop up her head,
With no one there to fend off death,
She found herself upon a throne,
One more of thorns and bristles than of amore.
Despite it all,
An impossible seedling would go on to grow,
Into a woman so few could know.
Her shield up not to protect,
But to create a home.
A place for me and her to grow,
Despite our lack of bones.
For it was always in your arms,
I found my home.