Write a story about an anachronistic character.
Anachronism means when a thing from one era ends up in a different era. This could be as simple as an aged character who grew up in a very different time, or could be someone from a different time period entirely!
Where Did the Time Go?
My gift has given me the opportunity to see so many fantastic periods of time. I’ve stood amidst the great fire of London, I watched Harold take an arrow to his eye, and I’ve walked the cobbled streets of Victorian England. But I never truly appreciated my own time. I’ve lived a good life, there is little I would change, but I never really appreciated the changes that happened.
Until I invited Estel into our home, I never acknowledged the changes that were happening around me. My son is an adult now, his children are adults too. And I’m an OAP! How did this happen? Where did that time go?
I used to sit down and stick the telly on with a cuppa, now I’m laying in bed watching The Real Deal on my tablet. So much has changed since I was a little girl, I think I’m going to make the effort to stay in the present. For too long I’ve been escaping to the past for comfort, I don’t need to anymore. The past is gone, the present is here. It’s about time I live in it.