Submitted by Lockitt Mobby
Write a scene where a superhero must reveal their true identity to someone they care for.
The Night Terror
At first there was nothing but black, then their was light. Like the flip of a switch, and he found himself sitting at his dining room table. The last thing he remembered was having a drink and watching Netflix on his couch. Now, he’s here.
His left hand was completely covered in a dark substance that seemed to be gently swaying, like waves in an ocean. It rested flat against the table, completely immovable. No matter how hard he tried… not even a finger.
His right hand was covered in the same substance and was resting in a writing position, holding a pen and hovering over a sheet of paper. He tries to move that hand, but no luck. Thats when he noticed there was something written on the paper.
“Hello, we need to talk” it reads.
“Da fuck…”
His right hand starts moving, resembling an anamtronic at a fair. He stairs at it, wild eyed and overwhelmed with terror.
“Oh god, oh god, geezus christ….. shitttt!”
He shakes violently desperately trying to leave l the table. He slowly begins to calm as he starts to read words written on the paper.
“I’m sorry. I have control. Must talk with u. When no light, I control”
“Wha… what the hell?”
The hand fires rapidly writing more words.
“We are the Night Terror”