The Scale

“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” - Hindu Scripture - J. Robert Oppenheimer

I had no plan, no future in mind but decay, which is of course the lifeblood of life on Earth, perhaps even the universe as you Homo Sapiens know it. Creation and destruction are merely shades within a scale, bleeding into each other. Perhaps there is a reason for that, but I have never been privy to that knowledge. Instead I, the grim reaper, reap that which is destroyed so more souls may come into being through the process of creation. You call it the circle of life. It is not as much a decision I make as it is an inevitability. I merely oversee the scale and nothing has ever occurred to make it bleed one way or another, until now. Overpopulation is not the problem, humanity is. Lust, greed, power, sloth, I am not sure which of the deadly sins holds the problem for why the creation of other species is hindered by the existence of people — perhaps it is all of them mixed together to create a perfect sinful curse cocktail on that rock you call Earth. Instead of harmony, the scales are in chaos, and I have no power to stop it. How is it one species has the power to fill the scale with that much blood? It is because of one unbearable truth. I know I claimed to be the grim reaper, but that is not true. The truth is that humanity is the grim reaper now. All of your science will not undo what was done, at least not within the next hundred years. It may even take a thousand for the scale to balance itself out, for the destruction to mix with creation instead of hindering it. The one percent on Earth now have more power to decide what is created and what is destroyed than I ever did. To have that much power must be a curse, an enviable one in some cases but always a curse. All of you run around like chickens with your heads cut off trying to find a solution to an unsolvable problem. The lifespan of humanity would always be short, but this is the first time that a species has destroyed itself, destroyed its own habitat for weak, short lived personal gain. The rest of the animals on Earth do not destroy their habitats for that reason, right? I do not know of any other species that do that. So, you all will die, and the many of Earth’s species will as well. The Earth will continue to spin. New species will rise from the ashes to inhabit a new global habitat. Theoretically, humanity could sit back, continue on this path, and let the problem solve itself. They could save themselves, and these species, and put the Earth on a different path, but I have yet to see any evidence of that. For now, I can only watch the scale.

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