The sky full of stars seemed dead and cold; a place once so magical now hurt to behold.

Write a rhyming poem that ends with this line.


She loved the night. So much so, she couldn’t remember a time when she didn’t walk out to gaze at the black and cold sky. She would hold her breath to send a wish to the moon, as a prayer each evening. Even when the moon would leave her on her knees alone.

Many a night has been celebrated under this same sky. Even as it changes, stars and planets appear just to disappear again. Laughter and joy shared, happiness felt radiating from earth to sky.

Now she sits at the hearth, legs crossed with her hand over her heart. Tears falling like rain. She grieves the beauty of the night sky. Now filled with emptiness she cannot bear anymore. Even on this evening a full moon lights her world, the fire has been extinguished. Inside of her and out the same.

The sky full of stars seemed dead and cold; a place once magical now hurt to behold.

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