Write a poem that could be sung as a lullaby.
You could set it to the tune of an existing lullaby, or think up your own rhythm. Remember that lullabies are for children, and are ususally meant to be calming.
The apologetic teen
Once, a little rabbit stuck her nose into the air
She bounced and huffed around, screaming “it’s not really fair!“
She trundled through the grass with a rage that wouldn’t settle
At home, her weary mother relaxed, turned on the kettle
“How can I deal with such an attitude?” She thought
“How can I make her see, what the reaction is she’s brought?”
The little rabbit sniffed the afternoon sun with a smile
Her bad mood had succumbed to joy after a while
She was all alone with nature and it had calmed her down
Alas, her mother was shaken, face not shifting from its frown
She was scared that her daughter was alone in the wide world
She was scared that foxes may have seen her and unfurled
But the little one was carefree and hopping way back home
She was sorry, and intended to make it known
For she knew her mother didn’t deserve a difficult time
Relief washed through her as she saw her child safe and sound
Her ears pricked up and with a beam she moved round
“Forgive me,” she said “I was rude and shouldn’t have been,”
The old mother beamed and pulled her close, the apologetic teen.