Write a confession from a police officer who planted evidence to convict someone they believed was guilty.
Would they feel bad, or stick to their original convictions?
In The Shadows Of Justice: A👮‍♀️confession
In the shadows of the night, a heart weighed down by a heavy burden, a soul torn by the choices made in the name of justice. The badge that once gleamed with honor now feels tarnished, stained by the echoes of a decision that haunts the depths of my being.
As I stand at the crossroads of right and wrong, the lines blur into a murky haze of doubt and regret. The evidence I planted, a seed of deception sown in the soil of truth, now blooms into a thorny bouquet of remorse that pricks at my conscience.
In the silence of solitude, I grapple with the ghosts of my actions, wrestling with the specter of my own morality. The scales of justice tip precariously, teetering on the edge of my conscience, as I confront the shadows that dance in the flickering light of my choices.
Oh, the burden of the badge, the weight of responsibility heavy upon my shoulders, as I navigate the treacherous waters of right and wrong, seeking redemption in the murky depths of my conflicted soul.