"Everybody wants to judge, but nobody wants to listen."

Write about a character who is going through a typically stigmatised situation. As an added challenge, try to write from the perspective of the opposite gender to yourself.

Bullies 😠

Everybody wants to judge

But nobody wants to listen

They judge

And laugh

And make fun of


Besides themselves

They talk behind backs

Even though

The one being talked about

Is right there

They never listen

Or care at all

They yap over everyone

No care i n the world

About what we have to say

We have feelings

So do they

But they’re the center of attention

In a good way

Like always

We try to speak

But get ignored

Or interrupted

We have feelings too

They’re not the only ones

I ignore them

I try to

They make me

Feel less than I am

I stay away from them

I try to

And surround myself

With good people

I live my life

As if there’s nobody there

To judge me

At all

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