

Marta speeds through the halls, gum wrappers and forgotten homework flutters in the air in the wake of their run. Their coppery hair whipping around them, getting in their face.

How are they always late to math? Even with super speed, somehow they can’t get to that class on time.

It isn’t even like they hate the equations and numbers. They actually like it. Having an equation balance out, it just makes sense. You can check it and there is usually an absolute answer.

But before their class, they get distracted and then has to use their speed to get there right as the bell rings.

As they near the doorway, they crash into someone.

For Marta, they can see everything that happens.

The shocked look on the girl’s face as her head begins to tilt down.

A folder that the girl was holding behind to fall, papers spewing out of it, heading towards the floor at a feather’s pace.

Her pencil case hovers in the air, pencils bursting out.

It’s all in slow motion for Marta.

They walk around the girl, studying her. Her eyes are brown. That’s the first thing Marta notices. Dark brown like chocolate.

Beautiful. Breathtaking. Ethereal.

Even with her dark in hanging in the air from their run in, it’s like a halo.

She must be new since they don’t remember seeing her. And they would recall those eyes for sure.

In one second to the normal person’s eye, Marta manages to catch all the falling items.

“Sorry for bumping into you. I always find myself late,” Marta says, blushing a bit, holding out the objects for her.

“It’s no problema. Thanks for the quick catch,” the girl replies, a slight accent catching them off guard. She takes her stuff from Marta, smiling warmly.

Add smile to the list of beautiful attributes of this stranger.

They hold out their hand to her. “Marta. But most people call me Mart.”

The girl shifts her items to one hand and fits her hand into their grasp. “Edna, but dont call me that. It’s way to old fashioned for me. I don’t know what mi mama was thinking. Call me Eddie.”

Marta laughs. “My mom wanted to call me Martha but my dad managed to get her to compromise with Marta.”

This makes Eddie’s grin widen.

Talking with Eddie is better than running. That makes their heart race. Eddie makes it soar.

“I better get going, but hopefully I’ll see you later? I am new afterall. I might need a tour.”

“Oh. Yeah. Yes. Of course!” They stutter in their attempt to answer fast.

“If you want, I can show you where the cafeteria is and then we can sit together.”

“Bueno. See you then,” she salutes with two fingers and then disappears.

Like literally disappears. It short circuits Marta’s brain for a moment. “Oh she’s a teleporter,” they announce to no one in particular.

“Marta, would you like to join your class or are you going to stand out here all day?”

Their teacher that absolutely wishes they could staple their hands to the desk pokes her head out the classroom door, shooting daggers with her eyes.

Oh yeah, class…..they forgot.

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