Judgement Day

Its day 25 at my first post since ive joined the research team of the CIA. The temperature is currently below 20 degrees fahrenheit, with snow flakes the size of pebbles from a mountain. As i woke to start my daily routine of brushing my teeth and dressing accordingly to my task for the day. I overheard two of my fellow crew mates talking. “When do you think they will strap the new guy in?” Asked the first one in a quiet but concerned manner. “Hopefully soon do you think he will end up like the last one?” The other one asked in a quiet but excited tone. Before I could hear anymore my crew lead asked to meet with me in his office about a important task that needed to be taken care of. While on the way to the meeting my mind is running one thousand miles a minute. After a long nerve wrecking walking down the hall to my crew lead’s office I come in and shut the door, my heart felt as if I was running a olympic event. He told me my true purposefor coming to this program, “ You are about to be tested to join the elite?” He exclaimed in a firm voice and a stare sharp enough to cut diamonds, in seconds, before i could ask or even answer I was grabbed and (knocked) unconscious. Waking up in a trance strapped in a chair looking at the world I used to walk on.

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