Submitted by Libby Anderson

Write a story or poem prompted by your favorite song.

Include the song title and artist name

on a wednesday in a cafe

(based on taylor swift’s begin again)

I’m in my room getting ready to go

So nervous you’ll be just like the last

I smile in the mirror, put my high heels on

Try to focus on now, not the past

Headphones in, I try so hard

Just to keep my mind on the walk

Not my fear that you’ll hurt me just the same

From the moment we start to talk

I enter the café to the ring of a bell

Expecting to find my own seat

Then I hear my name as you stand and wave

You say, “I’m so glad we get to meet”

“I haven’t ordered yet, what would you like?”

Your voice is sweet and kind

I blush, though it’s common courtesy

“Oh anything’s fine, I don’t mind”

So you get me earl grey, I smile in surprise

Already you know me so well

But does your kindness now only cloak the bad?

I guess only time will tell

Time starts to pass, we’re growing close

I’m starting to trust you much more

I invite you to visit my humble abode

Not long later you knock on my door

I show you around, you gasp in delight

As you see my prized record wall

“I’ve never seen this much James Taylor before

Now I’m really starting to fall”

I laugh at your jokes, you laugh at mine

That really makes me smile

He never thought I was funny

And I haven’t laughed in a while

I walk you to your car, heart in my throat

His name on the tip of my tongue

Then you start to talk about cute family traditions

You’ve followed since you were young

And finally, all at once it seems

He’s left my mind for good

Now I have you, that’s all I need

I’m with someone who loves me how he should

Just a month ago I told myself

Love wasn’t worth it in the end

But then I took a chance on you

And my life began again

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