Green Lake

The green lake my home town

A place I can remember

A place to feel safe


Yes sweetly?

Can I go outside to the lake!? Sure honey be safe

Ok! Oooo look at the lake it’s so pretty!

The fish swimming around the water shinning in the sun

A strange looking rock

*jumps in to get rock*. It’s so shiny!

*wakes up*

I should have never picked up that rock I saw everyone die at that lake

*sweat on forehead*

I have to remember it’s just a dream but that rock made me see everyone’s death maybe it’s not real.


ok mom

Hey what’s wrong sweety

Nothing mom

Ok well we taking a trip to green lake you know where we used to live

Yeah I know mom

*in the car*

An hour later

Where here

*flashbacks to what happens and how they die*

Mom falls off and drowns from getting to drunk

Sister went swimming after dark and never came back

*mom snaps fingers*

Sweety are you ok?

Yeah mom nothing wrong everything’s ok

At night

Mom don’t go to close to the side of the dock

Ok sweety *drunk*

You pass out and wake up to see your moms dead body in the water and your sisters no where to be found

What…. What happened?

Sees phone camera

I…… I … k.. ki.. killed them😨

B… but how I tried proventing it I just passed out

*wakes up* mom nurse sister and doctor standing around you

Oh sweety your awake *crying*

Wh…. What happened

Shhhhh don’t talk to much you hurt yourself pretty bad falling down the doctor said

Yes sweety?

W…. Where’s sister?!

Um we don’t know she got lost. Idk how she was right by me.

You say she’s in the forest unde a shed but it wasn’t your voice cause you passed out as you were saying that.!

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