You wake as a character in an old novel. Whilst you work out how to get back to the modern day, you must remain inconspicuous.

Don't worry if you haven't read any old novels; try to think about how the times were different to now, and how you would try to fit in.

lost in time

I woke up to the sound of horse hooves clattering on cobblestones. Disoriented, I blinked my eyes open to find myself in a quaint medieval village straight out of an old novel. Panic surged through me as I realized I wasn't in my own time anymore.

Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself to stay calm. I needed to figure out how to get back to the modern day, but first, I had to blend in. I observed the people around me, noting their attire, mannerisms, and the way they spoke.

The clothing was vastly different from what I was used to—layers of fabric, corsets, and intricate designs. Men wore breeches, doublets, and cloaks, while women donned long dresses with voluminous skirts. Everyone spoke in a formal manner, using words and phrases that were unfamiliar to me.

I decided to start by finding a place to stay. Walking through the village, I noticed an inn with a wooden sign swinging in the breeze. Inside, the atmosphere was cozy, with a fireplace crackling in the corner and patrons chatting over tankards of ale.

Approaching the innkeeper cautiously, I asked for a room in as polite a manner as I could muster. He raised an eyebrow at my strange accent but accepted my coins nonetheless. I made a mental note to practice speaking in the local dialect to avoid suspicion.

As days turned into weeks, I immersed myself in this unfamiliar world. I learned to ride horses, sew my own garments in the style of the era, and even picked up on the local customs and etiquette. I kept a low profile, avoiding drawing too much attention to myself.

But deep down, I was constantly searching for a way back home. I scoured old books in the village library, looking for any mention of time travel or portals between worlds. I experimented with various theories, hoping that something would work.

One evening, while stargazing in a meadow outside the village, I stumbled upon a strange rock formation. Intrigued, I approached it cautiously and discovered a glowing portal hidden among the stones. My heart raced with excitement and fear—could this be my ticket back to the modern day?

Without hesitation, I stepped through the portal, bracing myself for whatever lay on the other side. As the world around me twisted and shimmered, I closed my eyes, hoping to open them to familiar surroundings.

When I dared to look again, I found myself back in my own time, lying on the grass in a park. Relief flooded through me as I realized I had made it home. But the memories of my time in the old novel world lingered, a reminder of the incredible journey I had experienced.

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