Your Fault

I have the firm belief that one should always make a first judgment of another.

Meeting a new person is a groundbreaking moment of ones life. Someone could become ones greatest friend, or greastest enemy.

I believe I have a foul proof system. I avoid the horrible people of the world and keep close to the good ones.

See, there’s you.

Your hair wasnt done; showing signs of unruliness. Your shirt was on backwards. It’s giving crazed. You had a slightly confused, but hostile expression on you face. Your whole demeanor was practically a warning sign. Demanding people stay away.

Naturally, I follow the signs. But then, suddenly, you were in my seat on the train.

Now, I know what you are thinking. There is not assigned seating on the train. But, as you know, I have firm belief that if one rides the train everyday they are perfectly in their own right to have the same seat everyday.

But there you were.

When I managed to compose myself enough to confront you, I braced myself for a snappy response. Of course you would put up a fight. i walked up to you and was about to speak my protests.

However, I was surpirsed when your face changed. Your eyes brightened. And you sat up straighter.

You smiled at me.

I must’ve looked like a goldfish; gawking at you like that. If im being completely honest, i wasnt sure what to do.

“Can I sit there?” I point at the seat next to you. Your smile brightens.

“Of course!” The chipper tone if your voice catches me off guard. This is not right. You…you had a grouchy, stubborn, diificult look about you.

You pull out a book and begin to read. I catch the title. “A Man Called Otto” i believe it read. Of course you would be reading my favorite book. I muster my courage.

“Good book?”

“It’s one of my favorites.” Of course it is.

“Ride this train often?”

“First time.” Ah, that explains my seat. I nod and start to turn away when…

“This sounds strange, but as this is my first time riding, im glad i have someone nice sitting next to me. Especially soneone wirh good book taste.” I blush. My system is crumbling betore my eyes.

And its all your fault.

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