



Write a story or poem featuring these three rhyming words

A Twitchy Morning

“What do you mean there was a switch in seats. I have to sit by the window. I always sit by the window.”

I put up a hand to calm my husband. It was always difficult to get him to fly but today had just been on disaster after another. Now the airline is telling us all the seating has been changed. I knew I’d be lucky to get him on the plane.

“Harold, please calm down. I’ll talk to the attendant and let them know you need a window seat. It will be fine.”

Harold’s fave became red and his left eye started to twitch. I cringed inside. Why did we have to go through this every time we went to see my parents? It might be a thousand miles, but next time I would insist on driving.

“How can I be calm! First they screwed up the date of our flight. Then our plane had a mechanical problem and they had to fly in a different one. Now they are saying all the seating is changed We should just cancel the whole trip and go home. This is a disaster.”

I had to admit we weren’t getting off on a good start but it been over a year since we’d last visited my family. If we canceled this time I’d never hear the end of it from my mom. I had to wonder would listening to Harold all weekend or getting rude texts and calls from my mom for weeks be worse? I let out a heavy sigh and looked for a stewardess.

I saw one rounding around the flight counter and I went to cut her off.

“Excuse me, but I have a problem. My husband had and issue with flying. He absolutely must have a window seat or he gets very upset. He must be able to see our do the plane. I’d give him my seat but mine isn’t window either.”

The woman got an agitated look on her face. I was sure she’s been hearing complaints like this all morning.

“I’m sorry. But we can’t do anything about that. Perhaps you can have somebody switch with you?”

“I don’t think you understand the severity of my husband-“

The woman got a distracted look on her face and started walking away. “I’m sorry but I really must be going. I have to get this flight ready to leave. Talk to Gale at the desk. Maybe she can help.”

The woman than hurriedly walked away. I stood there glaring holes in her back before turning around muttering “witch” beneath my breath. I moved toward the counter am presented my problem there.

After fifteen frustrating minutes I walked back to Harold with his new seat assignment. He grunted as I have it to him. I sat down with a sigh of relief and prayed the rest of the trip would go much smoother.

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