What It’s About

It’s not about finding someone who looks perfectly, articulates perfectly, wears the perfect clothes or behaves perfectly.

It’s about finding someone who give’s you the feeling that you finally arrived.

Someone with who you can be who you truly are, without the fear of being too much or not enough.

Forget about the word perfect.

There is no perfect person existing.

But there are real people out there.

People who wants to fight against any war together with you.

And don’t cause a war to break out in your heart.

People who have true reasons to follow you and don’t want to fool you.

That’s what you need to look for.

A real person who isn’t connecting love with conditions, someone who loves unconditionally.

A real person you can have deep or serious or mature conversations with.

Conversations that make you laugh and wrap you around the finger.

Conversations that make a breeding ground for your thoughts and you get the possibility to grow beyond yourself mentally.

That’s it. That’s it when it comes to find your person.

Someone who respects your feelings.

Someone who appreciates you.

Someone who chooses you again and again.

That’s what it’s about.

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