Start a story in one genre, and then switch half way to another, whilst keeping the story in tact.
A twist in the plot or a change in the characters could help to seamlessly shift the genre.
Have you ever had a piercing headache that makes you feel like your head will explode?
That’s how Kona feels right about now.
How is she supposed to concentrate on extrapolations when her mind is blended up in a blender?
“Kona, are you with us?” The screeching voice of her teacher shoots pins into her skull. “Can I go to the nurse?”
The teacher waves her to the door, and she gratefully takes her stuff and runs as best she can to the nurse.
Who of course isn’t there. That’s just her luck.
When she goes to the main office, they take on look at her flushed face and eyes screwed shut from pain and send her home.
“Kona, you’re running a fever!” Her mom says, eyebrows raising at the thermometer.
After that, her mom ordered her to bed. And that’s where she’s been all day. Laying in her bed, feeling like she’s dying.
Just the sight of food turns her stomach, but yet her belly aches for something.
“Ok sweetie, I’m turning in for the night. Wake me up if you need anything. I’m serious. Any time,” her mom says at her doorway.
“I promise I’ll get you if I feel worse,” Kona mumbles into her pillow.
Satisfied with the answer, her mom leaves to her own bedroom.
What feels like hours, but probably only one hour, she is still awake. This is officially the worst sickness she’s ever had.
She lifts her head to look at the clock, the moon, high in the sky, shines through her window. It catches her attention.
Her gaze is fixated on the full moon.
Suddenly something shifts within her. She slowly gets out of bed, and once the moonlight washes over her, the sickness and aches dissipate. Instantly.
She feels good. Better than good actually. Stronger.
As she basks in the moon’s rays, she feels something sharp cut her tongue. She winces at the sting and gets the taste of her blood. Reaching up to her mouth to wipe the metallic taste from her lips, her finger gets nicked by something.
Her teeth. But they aren’t blunt like her normal teeth. They are fangs.
She scrambles backwards towards the mirror in her room. What the hell is going on? This must be some weird dream. She’s having delusions from being sick. Right?
As she faces her reflection, she doesn’t even recognize herself. Fangs protrude from her mouth, sharp like a canine. Her hair has grown more inward on her face. Her eyes are a bit sharper, more pointed. And glowing. Glowing the blue of the moon.
Oh my god. She’s a fucking werewolf.
(Inspired by Teen Wolf because every once in a while I get in a Teen Wolf phase.)