Inspired by Kail Cleo

Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).

Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.


Journal Entry 966

No matter how hard I try to avoid her, she seems determined to get under my skin. She's there in the morning when I'm sitting in quiet contemplation, starting random conversations when I'm quietly reading in the library, cornering me, bugging me to spar as I train with the rising sun. She's like that lone ray of sun that keeps shining in your eyes. It's as if I keep shielding my face from its maddening ray, but it finds a way to seep through the gaps in my fingers, flooding my life with its piercing rays as I shield my face from its endless assault. I don’t know how much longer I can keep my resolve. The girl drives me absolutely mad. Even now, I clench my brush as I write, for it's the only thing I can think to do to stop myself from screaming in madness. I feel… powerless around her. How can a person be so damn irritating?

The only hope, however faint, for peace is that she will complete her studies and never return to the Arcanum again. If we do meet again after all this, please let the heavens be merciful and let me meet her far away from here.

Yuri thinks the girl and I could be great friends. Friends. Have I ever had anyone in my life besides my sister who didn’t want something from me? Or looked at me as a means to an end in some way? "To have a friend you can trust in Novograd is a good thing." But can I? Can I trust Senka Morevna? Every part of my body senses that she’s hiding something. Something big. Though I don’t sense an evil aura coming from her, whatever it is, it doesn’t seem sinister. I don't want to admit this but, Yuri is lonely, and I am lonely too.

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