
Write a poem, with a set structure, which centres around the theme of confession.

Forgive Me Father

Forgive me father for I have sinned,

This is my first confession,

Possibly my last as well,

Where to start? Any ideas?

Let’s start from the beginning,

What’s troubling you my dear?

Is it a blast from the past?

Or have you done something you can’t live with?

Just last week I caught my boyfriend cheating,

Just last week I planned my revenge,

No I never kicked him out,

But do you know anyone who can dig two holes?

My dear that’s a lot to say,

What’s next?

I know you have more I can feel the tension,

Come out with it my dear

Last month I caught my best friend at the lake,

Last month was the month I knew I wasn’t straight,

Last month is when I figured out we were more then friends,

Last month was the last time I saw her again.

My dear you know these aren’t good to confess?

My dear what do you think will come of this?

Murder? Same sex? What’s next?

My dear what is next?

Last year I came to a church just like this,

Last year I saw the women walk out of confession,

Last year it wasn’t her confession she left,

But last year it was the priest who was satisfied.

Oh my,

My dear what church,

What father would do such things?

My dear tell me more.

Just today I came to say,

I saw you that day,

Just today I came with a mind of lust,

For just today I though we could both be satisfied.

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