It was the worst kind of day to be lost and alone on a mountain.

Write a story beginning with this line.

The Mountain

It was the worst kind of day to be lost and alone on a mountain. The wind felt like invisible hands pushing against her body as she tried to trudge forward. She braced herself against the wind, tightening her arms across her chest and leaning slightly forward. Her blonde hair whipped in every direction behind her. She removed the hair tie she always wore on her right wrist and quickly pulled her hair into a messy ponytail. She made her way to higher ground. She took out her cell phone from her jacket pocket, still no service. She had hoped that maybe she could get a signal the higher she climbed. She peered around and still did not recognize where she had wandered off to. She had wanted a weekend to herself. The cabin was supposed to be a time of reflection and hopeful answers, but now her mind was racing trying to remember her steps. She stopped and pulled her backpack from off her shoulders and took out her bottle of water. She sipped the still cool liquid and thought about saving it for later. She knew it was going to be dark soon. Off in the distance she could only make out a large dark blog. She decided to check it out.

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