Spirts Of The Sky

I woke up in the hospital, maybe the 4th time this week. I was supposed to be dead by now. I usually can't remember what happened while i was dead but this time i remembered everything. I met the grim reaper. Although he may portrayed as a bad being he's actually pretty cool. I became great friends with him before i woke up in the hospital he said he would grant me one wish. I could have wished of anything I desired, i wished for one of the things i desire most. I wished to see the dead. I wanted to see the world of both living and dead. When i did awake not only was i greated by many doctors but a great number of spirts. Although i wished to be dead i was so glad to be alive in this moment. They seemed to be speaking to eachother, i made eye contact with a few of the younger spirts. I think they realised i could see them because they started talking to me but not outloud they talked to me in my head. Im pretty sure the doctors though i was psychotic. I mean i was talking to nothing or alteast thats what they though. I dont know why i was actually granted with this power but i know im not going to think about dyeing ever again.

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