Rigor mortis had already set in but she managed to pry the piece of paper out of victim's cold, lifeless hand.
Write a story using the prompt as the first line
Pink Wooden Box
I under-covered the paper and revealed a phrases attached with a small rusted key. The phrase said “Time shall follow to those who waited patiently. The answer to the family fortune is hidden near the grave.” I said my goodbyes to my devilish brother Marvin‘s lifeless body being wasted away in the rain.
When I finally got home, cleaned myself up and grab my rain coat to leave back out. I got in my car and started making the 30 minute trip to my great grandmothers grave. During the drive I couldn’t think of anything except how the family fortune was kept a secret from only me. “Why me?”
I arrived to my great grandmother grave site at precisely 10:34 p.m. I never knew much about my great grandmother, I was always only told she was a good person. When I got to stoned building my grandmother was oddly in, I wouldn’t open when I pulled hard on the door. No matter what I tried I wouldn’t nudge. So I took out the part I took from my brother and review the phases over and over again, but I remained puzzled. I took my cellphone out to get a better look at the door, since the light were starting to become dim. On the door it read my grandmothers name is big bold letters, but this times she had two last names. It said “Here lies the body of Mrs. Angelina Ginadya Randall-Kilvilloshiki.” The last name Kilvilloshki confused me, and I was unsure if I went to the right place. I was shocked I never heard of this last name before, so I said it out loud “Angelina Ginadya Randall-Kilvilloshiki,” and the old stoned doors begun to slowly open and bright lights began to come on.
I stepped inside only to my grandmother in a clear casket with a beautiful dress on and Jewelry. It looked as if she was sleeping, her skin looked completely flawless. There seemed to be flowers covered in some type of wax everywhere. When I walked towards the casket I noticed my great grandmother had both of her hands wrapped around a tiny wood box painted pink.
I quickly reached into my pockets and grabbed the rusted key, then tried to open the casket, but it wouldn’t. I then started looking more around the casket for any clues of how to open it and eventually I found it. On the bottom left of the casket by my great grandmothers feet it said, “those of the family who know the phrase will reveal the secret the family has forbidden.”
I reached into my pocket and read the phrase “Time shall follow to those who waited patiently. The answer the family fortune is hidden near the grave.” The top the casket separated and glass shattered. My once flawless grandmother skinned seemed to wither away within seconds it seemed.
I quickly grabbed the box from her hands by prying each of her fingered off.