Write a diary entry of a terminally ill patient.

Does this character feel fear, calm, sadness? What might they articulate to a private diary entry?

Wishing Upon a Star

**_April 19th, 1993

_** Dear Diary, today we had a play go on in our auditorium. The mice danced around people in a circle, like a marching band. I can only remember the people as distorted, and blurry. The all looked normal, until you saw their maybe happy face. It looked like they smiled, but I couldn’t see it. The sound was like click-clack, and the people were laughing I think. The only thing I didn’t like was the mean teachers in khaki pants. They would snarl and point you out with their looks. The small mice feared them as well, but the kids I think couldn’t see them. I was sat next to my friend, a teacher, and the rest of the room was blank. I ate a lot of yellow pebbles, fluffy fur, and differently shaded mini circles. I had a grand time in the auditorium, one of my favorite memories I might ever have. Well that’s all for today. I don’t like the name “Diary,” its overused. I’m going to use the name Mouse. Bye Mouse, and bye if you’re reading this.

Sincerely, Jace Sebrah

Overall Feeling of the day : Happy

**_May 30th, 1993

_**Dear Mouse, today we had to stay in our rooms. I was bored, and walked around my little space. My new notebook I bought was filled with doodles and drawings. I laid down in my bed at least 20 times. My head felt like it was spinning, and twisting the world. I’m not sure if I was dreaming, or if everyone was going crazy. I saw people walking past, maybe they didn’t? I saw guards and nurses and patients being shoved out their little cells. I wished there was something to do here that’s not writing, or drawing. I kept on reading and repeating the guard names in my head like Bryan, Bob, Billy, or maybe I was going insane. It’s like all they’re names start with a “B”. I felt like climbing the walls. I wish I could go back to the auditorium. Bye Mouse, and bye if you’re reading this.

Sincerely, Jace Sebrah

Overall Feeling of the day: Lonely

**_June 5th, 1993

** Dear Mouse**, _**today was a bit sad. A lot of people passed away because of a disease. I don’t remember what the name was, but it was affecting many people here. I hope I don’t get it. That’s all for today. Bye Mouse, and bye whoever’s reading.

Sincerely, _ Jace Sebrah_

Overall Feeling of the day: Sad

Goodbye Mouse

Goodbye whoever’s reading this

Today is the day I have gotten sick, and might die. I feel weak in my bones, and it takes long to write. I’m very sorry for leaving you guys like this. I hope to see you again, goodbye.

Sincerely, Jace Sebrah

Overall Feeling of the day: I’m sorry. **** **** ________________________________________ **** **** ** HELLO** **** Let’s be for real here **** Am I probably going to do a part 2 of this or something, yes. **** Am I also too lazy, yes.

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