by Digitonaut @ DeviantArt

Lost and alone on a winter hike, your character comes across this house. What happens when they knock on the door?

Trail Down South

A cold winters breeze sent a vibrating chill down Maria’s back. What was planned to be a quick summers walk had turned into a dangerous hike through the alpine mountain range. A series of heavy winds and bands of thick snowfall had disoriented her, pushing her down the South trail. Missing a sign pointing to the final turn towards her rental cabin, Maria was heading to her death.

She let out a moan of pain, crumbling into a ball to conserve body heat. On a final crawl to safety, an inviting, yellow light tempted her though spruce branches. She crawled closer and closer to the light, veering off of the trail. Ducking under low-lying limbs, She met up with the path once again, leading to a small cabin nestled between two sheer cliffs. It dawned two small floors and a cozy front doorway, begging Maria to enter. She crawled to the engraved wood paneling bordering the door, pulled herself up, and twisted the doorknob.

A flood of warmth poured over her, reawakening her numbed fingers. Removing her shoes, she brushed her toes across the soft brown carpet, situating them atop the metal vent emitting heated air.

“Hello? What- who are you? What are you doing in my house?” Bellowed a deep voice, coming from behind. Maria snapped her neck around to face the voice, revealing a large old man with a long white beard, red coat and pants, and a black belt with a silver buckle.

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