How far how long

How far how long can a girl this physical journey of the footsteps on the concrete of the pastors of righteousness what is the name sake how long can you go on how far how long. Time awaits for no man or no woman we wait on ourselves .Never let go of the walk of the journey of the path of righteousness for his namesake some walk to the valley of shadow of death and fear no evil some will never seen the evil of the valley of shadow of death Some will never walk it How far how long is the journey of walk of the concrete at the root of the anesthetic of all of our characteristics that we bring and we could walk for years and never be a shame hold your head up .”DAM “how far how long is Our journey. if you could bump into the same kind of mine Incredibles of sometime you can sing a song you can hum a tune you can shake your hands together with a clap of a sound how far how long How far how long. “Dam” so now that we have been walking for some decades and centuries now what is the next journey how far how long how far how long is your path of righteousness for your name sake.DAM….. BY:Eleanora Jackson

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