Lessons And Magic

I zipped up my jacket and continued to walk ahead.Then I saw it.A castle like entryway to somewhere unknown.I take out a piece of paper-my map and double check to make sure I’m at the right place-you could never be too careful in Oriqe.

“Sam, remember this map.Remember the name Oriqe too.For Oriqe is a part of the world, some dare not travel there,some challenge the rumors, and some looking for the Sqerloth. A sloth said to have eyes like a snake,faster than a normal sloth,known for its green fur, and its huge bat like wings and it is said to be a huge sloth, bigger and huger than any other sloth! And they were also rumored to have magic if controlled by someone”My sister, Arelie had explained the rumors and story’s to me a few years ago.

But now I’m here to survive and maybe save.

We learned by now and by being fools.Sqersloth were never a myth they were real, and more ferocious than the tales.Apparently there was a person who could command flocks of Sqersloths and this person used an army to attack our village-as a lesson.

“If you keep being ignorant to my wishes—a citizen of our country, just like you once were...you’ll regret your choice.I warn you now if you help me I’ll help you but if you choose to ignore this matter, your lack of leadership will come back to you”

Once a citizen of our people, now a commander of a stirring of evil.She chose her side, we and our leader chose ours.What we didn’t know was that She was right and the right get there vengeance someday.That day happened to be today.

I had run away from our town, not wanting to get caught up in a long war with her and our leader.

“We shouldn’t have to pay the consequences for something our leader did!” I remember saying a few days ago.

I chuckle at that, oh how ignorant I was to that.

My words bit me back when she, the commander—the sloth mage fount out.The sloth commander took away my family and I had no choice but to run.And run I did.

Now I’m in Oriqe about to enter that entryway and start fresh.Away from magic,vengeance, and war.

I take a step and start to walk in the entryway.

“Ha ha..!” I turn around as fast as I can and spot a girl.

The girl tightened her ponytail on her dirty blond hair and smiled a little.

“You are Sam Rilanie, am I correct?”


“You’ve come to the right place—and I know who you are because I’m a crystal mage.”

I groaned.Another mage.More magic...

“I’m Rylea, I know what happened with you and...Nyxrea.” She said quietly with a serious face.

“I don’t know who Nyxrea is” I saw nervously, biting my lip.

“You probably know her as The commander,Sloth commander, or the unknown commander.”Rylea hesitated for a moment before adding. “She’s my older sister.”

I flinch and take a step back.

“I’m not with her though, I’m also working against her..! Please don’t be afraid of me...I became a crystal mage in order to help those people.” She says nervously to me, tugging on end of her bag.

“Okay...” I say slowly, I still don’t fully trust Rylea but she seems nice and sibling aren’t always alike, so she may not be as evil as her sister.

I take her hand and shake it.

“I can help you save your family and the other back there—if you let me that is ?”

“Ok. Whatever it takes.” ,For them and not my fear.

Together we pass the entryway and into the other side.

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