Write a story that takes place at a masquerade ball.
Monsters Want To Have Fun Too.
Mother warned us to blend in no matter what. If they saw us for what we are, they would kill us, slowly, painfully. Years and years we spent learning to blend in with the humans, adapting their mannerisms until they were burned inside our minds. Every day was a dangerous game of survival. We knew that not all of us would make it past our twentieth birthday. Only the strong-willed lived long enough, like our mother. And even she was killed protecting us, her lessons echoing in our heads.
My brothers and sisters were not vicious monsters, not like other herds. We lived devotedly by our mother’s code. She taught us we become monsters only if we choose to become monsters. With the death of a human by our claws, our blood would instantly turn black. Blending in would become near impossible as much as the craving for human blood.
“Why can’t I go with you?” The youngest pleads, her eyes switching from blue to green to violet.
“We’ve discussed this earlier, you’re not ready,” I tell her while slipping into a crimson ball gown, “You haven’t mastered cloaking your eyes.”
She sighs and her eye color returns to our regular glowing yellow. “I’m getting better.”
I nod, “I know you are.”
The youngest leaves, defeated.
I tie my silver mask around my face, completing the last set to my disguise. Outside, my brothers and sisters are waiting, each prepared in their best attire perfect for the masquerade. It was time to blend with the enemy.
The guards at the gate were vigilant, well-armed, their purpose known.
“Invite,” one demanded.
We handed him our invites, stolen of course, holding our breaths as the guard looked them over making sure they weren’t fraudulent. But we would never make such a crass mistake as to forge our own invites. The smallest misstep could get us killed.
I steadily extend my left wrist towards him, and he quickly makes a small incision. When red trickles out, the guard is satisfied.
He nods and his fellow guards open the grand gate. My siblings aren’t far behind me.
Tonight we are human.
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