
Life without him is like a life without oxygen. He cares for me, I care for him. We make each other complete. I can’t begin to belive of all the things that I couldn’t do or think about if he wasn’t here. The way he laughs, the way he smiles, the way he looks at me when the day goes on. These are all the things that I need and all the things that I want to have. My greed for his time shows no bound. I wish to keep him by my side forever. If he were no longer here then how can I keep on?

A life without him wuld be sad. Roughtless. Depressing. Hard. Rigorous. And overall difficult. I wouldn’t be about the get up out of bed without his gently voice waking me up. I wouldn’t be about to watch our favorite shows without wishing he were there. If I had never met him then I would be swalled whole by sadnesses. I would be ignorant and innocent to what a life with him looks like.

You know if my person where gone I surely would be gone too.

My happiness would never know it’s endless limit. My sadness would never be cured by his thoughtfullness. The hole in my heart would never have been repaired agian if it weren’t for him. I would be wandering aimlessly looking for someone to repair it only to find no one. No person in this world will understand me quite like he does.

We know our pasts, our likes, dislikes, favorites, where we’re ticklish, our pickiness with food. We know so much and with more to learn too. I am honored to have met him when I did.

That lunch table would have had an extra seat, bare, abandoned. Those laughs would have one less voice. Those sublte glances at each other would never have happened. It feels weird to think about but when I do I feel incomplete.

A life without him isn’t a life worth living.

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