Fight For Your Life

The soldiers were all around us. Some of them dead. Some of the attackers were dead as well. Protecting the Princess and her lady was becoming more taxing by the minute. It also didnt help the fact that the two of them were fighting along with myself, my brother and the remaining soldiers in our company.

Facing a barrage of slashes from the massive man faced before me, i keep my eye on the Princess. Who is now flat on her back, with an angry man hovering over her, a knife pressed to her throat.

I screamed out but felt my voice couldnt reach her. Parrying another slash of the mans blade, my own struck home in his belly. I turned to run and aide her, only to find a large white animal lunge out of the woods, tackle the man off from on top of the Princess.

Though the fight was not over, seeing her safe in that moment was like a boulder being lifted off of my chest. She slowly stood as i reached her.

“Are you ok?” I asked as one if the final men came rushing at us. I swung my blade to meet his, he blocked and twirled past me only to be met with her blade lodged in his back.

“Ill be fine.” She replied back unsheathing her small dagger from the man. His body thudding to the ground in a pile.

Seeing her standing before me, her lady walking over to her, my brother following behind. Only two of our men remained.

We all fought for our lives that day.

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