"I told you what would happen if you disobeyed me!"
Write a story that contains this line of speech anywhere within it.
Broken Plate
Triggers: Domestic violence!
His hands shook as he stared down at the broken plate on the floor.
Fuck, not again... this was the third time he’d broken something, and the bruises on his stomach, neck, legs, and arms were still fresh from the last two times.
Hearing the front door creak open and slam shut, his whole body trembled like a terrified Chihuahua, knowing what was in store for him.
The voice of his husband boomed from the living room, and Joshua didn’t want to answer, but he knew that if he didn’t, he’d get what was already coming to him ten times worse.
“Yes, Vic?”
Victor rounded the corner, and the first thing he saw was the plate in a thousand tiny pieces on the tile floor. Turning his gaze up to Joshua, the other held in a whimper at the sight of his eyes, knowing that look all too well.
Vic did the finger gesture slowly, and Joshua obeyed. He was numb to the swift hand across his face and the words that followed.
“I told you what would happen if you disobeyed me!”
“Please, Vic, I’m sorry, my-my-my hand- my hand, I just- I lost my gr-!”
Another slap shut Joshua up, and he tasted something he’d never tasted before: blood. He must’ve bitten his tongue...
“You clumsy shit! You’re useless, I don’t even know /why/ I married your ass! You have the housekeeping skills of a goddamned gnat! Did you-?!”
A soft cry from the baby monitor interrupted the rage-filled rant, their newborn son having awoken from his slumber.
“Go get ‘im. After you’re done, I expect you to clean this up unless you want one of these shards shoved down your fuckin’ throat, got it?”
Joshua nodded, hurrying out of the room and to the nursery. He closed the door behind him and picked up the baby, settling him against his chest as he shushed him softly.
“It’s okay... we’re gonna get out of here soon, I promise...”
The young man adjusted little Luke’s blanket, sitting down in the rocking chair beside the crib and trying to tune out the football game on the TV just outside the door, soon accompanied by the all-too-familiar sound of a beer can being cracked open.