Submitted by Blossoming Flower
Ice Skating
Write a poem which could have this as the title. Consider that it might not literally be about ice-skating.
Fall Down, Get Up
Fall down, get up, fall down, get up
It’s so cold and wet here on the ice
Get up, fall down, get up, fall down
Staying down could be so nice.
For whenever I come to the rink
Ten-thousand times I fall
And every time I do get up
Although the ice to me does call.
“Stay down,” it says. “No, don’t get up.”
“I’ll take care of you this day.”
“Just stay here in your warm parka.”
“You’ll never have to go away.”
But I resist the urge to stay
Curled up tight upon the ice
For quitting this or anything
Would be too steep a price.
For whether it be ice skating
Or learning to drive a car
Quitting this or anything
Means I can never go too far.
For Daddy always said to me,
“Son, do not ever ever quit.”
And Mama echoed his sentiment,
“You’ll end up regretting it.”
And so I strap up my ice skates
And fall and fall once more
Until I can skate around the rink
Faster than I ever could before.
I do the same with everything
That I decide is worthwhile
The things that take time and effort
That take going the extra mile.
So I say to you my friend
Strap on your pair of skates
Fall down, get up, fall down, get up
Success for you awaits.