
(Related to “The Last Wolf Rider” and other writings.” The prompt doesn't really come in until the end.)

Long ago, before the time of the Riders, there was a powerful being named Savia.

Savia was a wise and powerful sorceress, who’s magic took on the form of silver coloured light. Her magic could do wonderful, and terrible things, but as Savia was a kind hearted and pure soul, she only used her magic to heal, create, and protect all that she loved.

But Savia was only one person and so she needed help. So in order for her to help the world, Savia took in students and blessed them with her knowledge and her gifts. They were the first disciples of Savia, they were the first wielders of the magic she used, the magic she named Silverlight.

These disciples, however, could not control these new powers for the gift of Silverlight was too strong for them. Savia realized her students needed a proxy, something to hold the magic, a totem of sorts, so that they could use her gifts.

Savia tried many things such as talismans, precious stones, even magical weapons but all could not handle the strain of her gift. Until one day she tried using an animal for the gift, and while a normal animal did not work, the children of Malia, the Goddess of Nature and Wildlife, were perfect fits for her magic. And so Savia gave each of her students a child of Malia, a beast of extraordinary size and strength, and they shared the power of Silverlight between them. This sharing of magic had an odd consequence as it bleach the students hair a deep silver and the children of Malia seemed to turn completely silver with the exception of a few tufts of hair that matched that of their bonded.

Savia thought nothing of it for she thought it just a symbol of their connection.

These newly bonded pairs became the first Kramora, the first Riders.

And the world was a better place for all.

Until the Crimson came.

The Crimson was a plague, an ancient magic that tainted all who came across it, including Savia’s precious Riders. A war broke out and thousands died as Savia and her riders battled the Crimson.

After almost five years, Savia made a decision that would change the world forever.

Out of desperation, Savia used her magic and absorbed the Crimson and fused it into herself, forever binding herself to the evil that had caused so much death. And once again the world was safe.

But Savia was never the same.

Savia secluded herself from the world not wanting her new powers to hurt anyone. The Kramora went on helping the people where they could but they soon began to lose their connection to the Silverlight and their magic went away leaving them to find other ways to be of use to the people. It was this time that the Kramora became rebound warriors of legend and began to teach others to do what they did and thus their numbers grew once again.

Time went on and the Kramora protected their realms and kin from threats far and wide, while Savia hid away protecting the world from her powers. Until the world needed her help once again.

A young Kramora, a rider of the Stagren clan, riders of the mystical Fyren Stags, came to find her in her hideaway. The rider, who’s name was Kyria, begged the elderly Savia to grace the Kramora with her power once again.

Savia refused many times but Kyria was persistent and eventually Savia let her have her power but one one condition.

“Hear me now, Kyria of the Stagren, I, Savia, bearer of the Silverlight and the Crimson, will grant you my power, upon the promise that you, and only you, will bear the incredible weight. You shall not teach others, you will not share its secrets, you will keep it safe. You will resist the temptation of hate and anger, fury and wrath, for that will turn your silver to red, and the Crimson will be unleashed upon the world once more. And once your need of the power be fulfilled, it will seek out its next host, whether it be of your clan or another, a host who like you is persistent, kindhearted, and puts the needs of others before themselves. So take this power as your own and may the ancients guide you."

With those final words, Savia left this world, her power bestowed upon Kyria, the new bearer of Silverlight.

Kyria used the power of Silverlight to help her people and she became something more then just a Kramora. She was given a new name, a name befitting her new status and power. Kyria became the first Silverian, or Silver Rider. She was a hero for the people and once her time was done Silverlight found a new host and so on and so on.

And for the next 4000 years, the power of the Silverlight passed from one host to the next, protecting the world from threats new and old, until one day a new host was not chosen, and the power of the Silverlight was lost.

The next 300 years the nations and clans of the world fought, until eventually the Kramora and most of Malia's children vanished from the world, leaving the world without its most revered protectors and most sacred of beasts. It was after the last Kramora died that the world leaders got together and made a peace treaty, and for 500 years the world held to that treaty.

However, in the deepest part of the forest, in a remote valley nation, an Okami Wolf, one of Malia's forgotten children, gave birth to a pup with silver fur and silver eyes, and from that moment, the mother knew that this pup would be very, very important, because in this little pup, this innocent, little pup, the greatest power in all the world had been reborn.

(In a more condensed version, Silverlight is similar to the Avatar cycle from The Last Airbender.)

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