Inspired by Kail Cleo

Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).

Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.


June 2, 1622 Everyone is dying from the sickness that entraps our camp. We’ve been here for weeks, and I’m starting to lose count. With trying to keep track of the days and the number of people we’re losing each day, I’m going insane. How does one stay sane in a time like this? I’ve yet to succumb to the sickness, it hasn’t infected me yet but it’s only a matter of time before I’m swept up with everyone else, hoping to survive. Everyday I make sure to check on my best friend, samual, hoping and praying that he fights just one more night. 1622, june 2, I’ve been fighting, fighting to stay conscious and not succumb to the sickness that threatens my very being every day. Caleb comes to check on me and make sure I’m doing okay. He always tells me to fight just one more day, every single day. That keeps me going, it keeps me sane what with all the people dying around me. Everyday I wonder if I’m going to be next. June 5, 1622 I have been busy with helping the sick to have time to make another entry. Samual seems to be doing better these last few days. Maybe he’ll be one of the few that survive this retched thing. I’ve developed a small cough, although I haven’t told anyone. If I tell them I’ll be quarantined to the sick tents with everyone else and I’ll only get worse if I go there. Besides, I need to make sure Samual is okay. Not many people check on the sick. I’m one of the few who’s able to leave and come as I please, getting Samual what he needs to recover. 1622, June 7 I’m doing much better. Caleb had made sure of that. The only thing that worries me is that I believe he’s developing the same sickness as me, but he won’t admit it. He dreads being stuck in these quarters with the sick. 1623, August 17 I found my old journal. Caleb succumbed to the sickness last year, two weeks after developing his cough. He seemed like he was getting better, but one night he just stopped breathing. We’ve moved deeper into the land, the uncharted lands that have challenged us with every step we take. I just wish Caleb were here to fight this fight with me.
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