Submitted by Atlas

"I bite the hand that feeds me, so that maybe it'll let me starve"

Write a poem which includes this line.


I bite the hand that feeds me

So maybe it’ll let me starve.

Day in and day out,

Staring at the outside world,

Wondering if i’ll ever be able to see

Or feel

Or taste

Or touch it.

Stuck in my room

With my mother and father.

Feeding me

And bathing me

And tutoring me

Because I can’t do it on my own.

I can only move my head

And my hands

Due to a severe injury during birth.

Every day

I look out my window

And see a world

That barely knows i even exist.

When i was 5,

I watched children riding trikes.

When i was 8,

I saw kids playing football

And jump rope in the street.

When i was 13,

I saw kids walking to school.

Now i’m 16,

And see the kids learning to drive.

I don’t want to live like this


I either want to go outside

Or be dead.

I yell at my mother

The best i can.

I’m ignore my father

As he tries his best for me.

I feel a little guilty.

For sixteen years

They have made me their whole life.

Nothing is done

Without me in mind.

Dad works from home

And mom…



I cant think

Just do.

I have to break free

From this prison

My body has put me in.

I just hope

They will forgive me

And move on with their life.

I have to pull away now.

Be so intolerable

That they want me gone.

Then their wish

Will come true

And everyone



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